Innocence in Oz

I googled Wizard of Oz and got 14,500,000 results. A lot can be said about such a classic. It funny though, the childrens movie seems to have so much myth and death behind it. The tin mans paint causing lung problems, the myth of a man hanging his self in the background, the deeper meaning behind the movie almost turns this movie into one of those "cursed" movies. I am having a hard time remembering all the details of what happened in the movie so I asked people I thought would know. My mom forgot the details, my sister was no help, and my friends gave me strange stares. But then I asked my dad. What an answer he gave. I can hardly describe the way he spoke. If you were in class when we summerized The Wizard of Oz then you have a grasp of the retelling I received. "... the color changed as she entered into Oz... The scarecrow, he wanted a brain. Next she met the tin man and he, he only wanted a heart. And the lion lacked courage... And Dorthy was told that she has always had the ability to go home..." My dad's voice was soft, gentle, loving, most importantly innocent. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I was carried away with his pure words. My dad could have told me all the deep sick meanings and myths but no. That's not what mattered. I wish I could share with the class the exact retelling but unfortunatly I can't.
And I had to told to me falling directly into the format of Mules and Men. In class we got to feel the words as if we were there. Southern drawl and all. Stories have always been told and passed on in such a manner. I got to experience to themes of the class: oral tradition and the voice of innocence. Not a bad experience if I may say so.
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