Friday, November 10, 2006

Test/Exam 2

According to W.S a change of style is a change of SUBJECT.
What is below myth on the pyramid? Music
In Dead Man wha is Nobody's real name and meaning? Xeveche, he who talks loud and says nothing.
Which poem of W.S is linked to the movie D.M? The Prologues to what is Possible (Man out in a boat)
Fry is uncomfortable with what prefixes? De- decreative, ...
Bill Blake takes the blood of a dead FAWN and puts it in his wound.
Dr. Sexton thinks students should undergo: Physical Mutalation.
Three W.S phrases used to view Dead Man: Poetry is the subject of the poem, all things resemble on another, poetry is a destructive force.
In Invisible Man a verbal combat of wit is called: Playing the Dozens
Ellison: Democracy is inspired by democracy (?)
Names of the 2 sheriffs Blake killed with poetry? Lee & Marvin
What are the 3 things Mike McKaslin(?) has to leave behind inorder to find the bear? Watch, Rifle, Compass.
2 forms of imaginatino in W.S.: creative, decreative.
The speech concerning Tod Cliftons death resembles: The Book of Judges, and Julius Ceasar.
"Trust the tale not the teller" who said it? D.H. Lawrence.
Intentional Fallacy: What the author intends it to mean.
Reinhart represents: the trickster.
What started the Race Riot in I.M. ? TOD Clifton's eulogue(?).
What song opens I.M.? What did I do to be so black and blue-Louise Armstrong.
The unnamed poem read in The Bear? The ode to a Grecian Urn- by John Keats.
Who did Santa Clause Rape? Sybil-an oricle in mythology who leads heros into the underworld.
I.M is an anti- HORATIO ALGER novel.
2 Hindu pharses: tat tvam asi "you are it, that thou are, you are god (creative)" and neti neti "not this not that (decreative)"
I.M. as a dream novel (naturalistic).
Define parataxis: the linking of things together with the conjunction "and, but,..." each part holds its own weight.
The Demon Master of initiation in Dead Man" Cole Wilson the cannibal bounty hunter.
What does synaesthesa mean? Blurring/mixing of the senses.
What is an ephebe? a young boy/student prepared for initiation.


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