Monday, October 09, 2006

Wallace Stevens Poem and Birthday Idea

My poem is a selection from "An Ordinary Evening in New Haven." Dr. Sexon told me to analize this poem is impossible. It's good to know that my impending doom is expected.

So how is poetry the subject of this poem? Well I got to reading and certain subjects stood out to me. Stevens mentions the eyes and his vision. Often poetry is about what we see and things we don't but that is the backbone. And maybe, since Emerson was a major influence, eyes and vision is referring to the poem where Emerson is an eyeball.

His questioning Reality and the Imaginary are also reacurring. Maybe Stevens knew that I would have difficulty understanding what those concepts. "A larger poem for a larger audience." We dont know what is real and what is not." I can't say this show poetry as the subject but it echos my confusion.

Stevens also brings religion in this poem. Like vision, reality, imagintion, the topic of religion is focused on as well.

But then good ol' Wallace gives me answers to the question. " The poet speads the the poem as it is" and " Thsi endlessly elaborating poem Displays the theory of poetry, As the life of poetry."

There is my evidence backed by Stevenses words. More will be coming in other entries but I can't go pulling my hair out over understanding what cannot be understood.

On a lighter note if I had the time and camera I would have mimiced a line from my poem. I wont tell you cause that half the fun. But I would lie down on the ground and I would arrange fallen leaves in the shape of a thought bubble, the kind you see in comics. That what I would do for Wallace Stevenses birthday. Happy Birthday!


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